Hi! My name is Iwona Wojnarowicz.
Would you like your collection to be unique and its value to increase?
Would you like to carefully manage your collection but don’t have the time or expertise yet?
Would you like your collection to have a unique and recognizable character?
Does purchasing a work of art feel like a complicated and opaque process to you?
Are you looking to buy works that will both bring you delight and represent a smart investment?
Are you hearing different things from different galleries and auction houses and wishing you had an independent expert to advise you?
Or perhaps you have a work of art in your home and would like to have it appraised before you decide whether or not to sell?
Would you like your collection to be unique and its value to increase?
Would you like to carefully manage your collection but don’t have the time or expertise yet?
Would you like your collection to have a unique and recognizable character?
Does purchasing a work of art feel like a complicated and opaque process to you?
Are you looking to buy works that will both bring you delight and represent a smart investment?
Are you hearing different things from different galleries and auction houses and wishing you had an independent expert to advise you?
Or perhaps you have a work of art in your home and would like to have it appraised before you decide whether or not to sell?
I will guide you to the most interesting exhibitions and art fairs in the world.
I will teach you how to single out the best works of art.
I will explain what the artist meant and its significance.
I will recommend the most interesting publications.
I will reveal to you the mysteries of the art world 🙂
I will verify the authenticity of a work of art and oversee an objective and up-to-date valuation of works you are interested in purchasing or that are already in your possession.
I will guide your collection at every stage. I will oversee the expansion of your collection in a directionwe plan out together. I will help you buy and sell works of art while securing the most beneficial terms for you. I will objectively advise you about what, where, and for how much to buy or sell.
Your collection deserves an individualized approach. To increase its renown and uniqueness, we will give it a distinctive image. With the support of thoughtful visual identification, I will create a unique image for your collection—recognizable at a glance. I will see that your collection becomes an autonomous and prestigious brand bearing its own character and reputation.
I will oversee transport of works, conservation, mounting, and expert opinions. Your only concern will be to savor the presence of the works in your collection. I will also have your collection appraised for the purposes of insurance and valuation.
I will strive to make your collection known and recognizable, and to have it be featured in exhibitions and in catalogues.
Researching artworks and establishing their provenance is an essential part of collection management. . Via extensive research, I will search for additional information about works, determining their provenance as well as exhibition and reproduction history.
Knowing these details is crucial to increasing a work’s value. I will place your works within the context of an artist’s oeuvre, establishing their significance. In the process, we will create a catalogue of your collection—one to perhaps publish?
I will prepare for you a series of workshops complete with lectures on investing in art and identifying quality works of value. I will teach you everything you need and wish to know about the art market in an enjoyable, compelling format guided by my individual approach. And all in a place and time that best suits you.
Ochwest | Art Advisory
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e-mail: gmail[at]ochwest.com
phone no.: [+48] 504.013.935
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website by: Ochwest
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